Florida Blue Florida Blue Search | Advanced Search | New Members | Coupons and Discounts | All Categories   View Larger Map Finance & Insurance >> Insurance >> Insurance-Supplemental Florida Blue 2116 Apalachee PkwyTallahassee, FL 32301 | map | directions Leslie Moland 4482133866 | fax: (850) 402-0829 Visit Site Connect With Us Our Mission, Vision & Values We believe our strength is in our core values: respect, integrity, imagination, courage and excellence. They are our legacy and our future. And they are important to the kind of effective leaders we continue to be in the health care industry. As we pursue our vision to be a leading innovator enabling healthy communities, we will never lose sight of these principles. Our business and our industry are always evolving, but we will always stay true to who we are. Our Mission To help people and communities achieve better health declares our purpose as a company and it serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and our decisions. Our Vision To be a leading innovator enabling healthy communities is both the inspirational and aspirational description of the future state of our company. It is our framework and guides every aspect of our business. By broadening our scope and continuing to evolve, we have more flexibility to make a greater impact on as many people as possible. Our Values Our core values are timeless. They describe the core principles that distinguish our culture and serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we behave in the world. Respect Across Florida, we offer our employees opportunities for personal and professional development. We respect and value the collaboration of our colleagues and business partners. Integrity Florida Blue adheres to strong ethical and uncompromising legal standards in every aspect of our business. Imagination To fulfill our vision of helping people and communities achieve better health, Florida Blue continually seeks innovative and creative ways to meet the needs of our customers. Courage Courage allows us to act with confidence and resolve in the face of uncertainty and risk. Courage drives principled, effective leaders in business and it is a value that allows us to embrace change and challenge the status quo. Excellence At Florida Blue, high expectations and goals are the standards that we choose for each other and ourselves because rigor instills excellence. Member Since: 2012 If your business isn't here, contact us today to get listed!